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Industrial Fishing

Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. Chile’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) spans 2.1 million km², nearly three times the country’s continental land area, positioning Chile among the world’s greatest producers of marine protein.

In terms of wild fishing, Chilean regulations on the sustainability of economic activity in the ocean serve to ensure that fisheries operate responsibly. We only fish for species “under full exploitation”, meaning catches are sustainable over time. As a result, our industrial fishing of jack mackerel, our main target species, earned certification for good fishery management under Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standards.

Camanchaca aims to position itself as a major player in the extractive fishing business. In response to new global trends, it has focused production on direct human consumption, offering products rich in Omega 3 oils. When that is not possible, it supplies raw materials for animal feed, which is the case for our fishing operations in Iquique, Tarapacá Region (I). However, the plant in the Bio Region (VII) uses raw materials from the sea to produce mainly food for human consumption.

Origin of Our Products

Direct Human Consumption

Jack Mackerel

Jack mackerel (trachurus murphyi) is a highly migratory, trans-zonal pelagic species from the Carangide family. It is found off the coasts of Peru and Chile and extends west through the “Chilean Jack mackerel belt” to the pacific southeast, near New Zealand and Tasmania. It lives about 15 years, reaching maturity at three years old and 26 cm in length. It is found within the five nautical miles reserved for artisan fishing.

Red and Yellow Langostino Lobster

The red langostino lobster (pleuroncodes monodon) is found in the south pacific between 6ºS in Peru and 40ºS in Chile. Operations in Chile extend from Pichidangui (32ºS) to Isla Mocha (38º20S). The yellow langostino lobster (cervimunida johni) is found between Taltal (23ºS) and Isla Mocha (38º20S). The same fishing method, using trawls at between 200 and 400 meters deep, is used for both langostino lobster species.

Indirect Human Consumption


The common sardine (strangomera bentincki (Norman, 1936)) is endemic to the area between Coquimbo in the north and Chiloé in the south. Typically a coastal fish, it is found within 30 nautical miles from the coast. Known for forming highly dense schools, it lives for three or four years and reaches a maximum length of 17 cm. The common sardine and anchovy are fished by the same unit in the south-central zone between regions V and X.


The anchovy (engraulis ringens) is a small pelagic fish that grows to a maximum of 15 cm and is found in waters close to the Peruvian and Chilean coasts, along the Humboldt Current, at between 10 and 20 meters deep. This coastal species forms large, dense schools, and has been recorded making great migrations to meet its nutritional needs.